Offering support, help and information to assist those with bladder conditions to live positively.
About Us
What we do
What Does Bladder Health UK Do?
Bladder Health UK is a small, national charity (Registered Charity Number: 1149973) that gives support to people with all forms of cystitis (including interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome), fowlers syndrome, overactive bladder and continence issues together with their families and friends. We are the largest bladder patient support charity in the UK. We have a widely used website and active Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts for those bladder illness sufferers seeking information, help and support.
We provide a pack of resources for members including a handbook on their condition, a Diet Booklet and a Recipe Book. We distribute a membership magazine three times per year full of articles and information on living positively with bladder illness. We also have a wide range of factsheets on bladder illness and the various treatments available
We lend a listening ear to sufferers in the form of our Advice Line which is open weekdays and takes calls from members and non-members alike to offer advice on treatments and emotional support when it is needed. The line is manned during the week by a recently retired Uro-Gynae Nurse, and an Expert Patient. Once a fortnight we have a Specialist Bladder and Bowel Nurse on the line for those who would like some help with their bowel issues alongside their bladder.
We have a UK network of support groups throughout the UK where sufferers can speak to other sufferers face-to face and offer tips and support to one another. Twice a year we aim to organise a workshop where members can come and learn about chronic bladder illness from practitioners and therapists who are skilled at treating those who suffer.
For those that prefer to have contact with others in a more anonymous way, we have message board forums on our website where sufferers can post and receive support from other sufferers. Our Social Media pages on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are buzzing with traffic and posts to interest both sufferer and Healthcare Professionals alike.
For Healthcare Professionals we have recently begun to offer Study Days via Zoom Webinars where they can come and learn about bladder illness from practitioners and network with one another.
'What we do' printable leaflet.

Support Network
Co-ordinators and Local Support Groups
Bladder Health UK operates a network of “local support groups” via volunteers.
The local groups are a way of providing a more personal form of support to charity members. Local groups are run by volunteers who are usually members of the charity. Co-ordinators organise face to face group meetings in their local area and some of the groups now meet on Zoom. If you are a member you can read about thier activities in the member section of our magazine 'YOUR BALDDER HEALTH' which comes out three times a year. The groups are especially helpful for newly diagnosed members who generally need more help and advice.
The local group network is only available to members of Bladder Health UK. When you join us, you will be put in touch with a group that could support you.
If you would like to volunteer to run a local group eith f2f or via Zoom, please contact us at We will provide you with help and information to start your local group.
NB: The advice line is open 5 days a week - and as far as we can we have a person to answer the calls - either a nurse or an expert patient. If we cannot answer the call please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We do encourage you to join us as we rely on your support to help us maintain our information services but we will take calls from members and non-members from all over the UK.
Medical Advisory Panel
Bladder Health UK has a Medical Advisory Panel, who give their time to provide a professional backing and support to the charity.

Our Volunteers
We currently have a volunteer programme and would encourage you to become an active member if you can.
The roles for volunteers include administration , speakers/presenters , group co-ordinators and phone-pals.
If you are interested please click on the button below and send us your details or call Susannah Fraser on 0121 702 0820 to chat about options.
Bladder Health UK is managed and governed by the Trustees of the charity, who all give their time and talents to over-see the running of the charity and further develop its aims.
If you would like to join the board of trustees, please contact us for further information.
Executive Officers:
- Duncan Eaton - Chairperson
- Michael Grainge – Treasurer
- Jacqueline Emkes
- Suzanne Evans
- Dr Pallavi Latthe
- Neil Fraser
- Sarah Hillery
- Matthew Gough
- Jemma Pembury
Terms & Conditions
BHUK is a registered charity in England No. 1149973 and is regulated by The Charities Commission. BHUK is governed by a board of trustees and operates under its constitution.