Help is at hand…
Talk to us
Talk to us
Nobody likes to talk about their bladder, but when things are wrong, talking to someone with knowledge, understanding and caring is exactly what you need. Here at Bladder Health UK, we have been offering sufferers help and advice for over twenty years. During that time, we have helped thousands of people find ways to manage their condition.
The advice line is staffed from 9.30am unitl 2.30pm from Monday to Friday and if there is no-one to answer your call please do leave a message and we will call you back as soon as we can. Sometimes the lines are just busy so persevere and we will help you.
On the advice line we have an expert patient ( who has first hand experience of suffering with Interstitial Cystitis for 20 years) , a retired uro-gynaecology nurse and a specialist continence nurse - all able to offer advice and support. The calls are confidential so please give us a call - you are not alone and sometimes it helps just to share what you are going through with an understanding person.
We want to help you reach a point where your condition can be, if not cured, then managed successfully. Over the years the charity has developed a range of resources based on our extensive experience working with people like you and we know that people find them really useful.
Having the right information about your condition is vital.
Support Network
Co-ordinators and Local Support Groups
Bladder Health UK operates a network of “local support groups” via volunteers.
The local groups are a way of providing a more personal form of support to charity members. Local groups are run by volunteers who are usually members of the charity. Co-ordinators organise face to face group meetings in their local area and some of the groups now meet on Zoom. If you are a member you can read about thier activities in the member section of our magazine 'YOUR BALDDER HEALTH' which comes out three times a year. The groups are especially helpful for newly diagnosed members who generally need more help and advice.
The local group network is only available to members of Bladder Health UK. When you join us, you will be put in touch with a group that could support you.
If you would like to volunteer to run a local group eith f2f or via Zoom, please contact us at We will provide you with help and information to start your local group.
NB: The advice line is open 5 days a week - and as far as we can we have a person to answer the calls - either a nurse or an expert patient. If we cannot answer the call please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We do encourage you to join us as we rely on your support to help us maintain our information services but we will take calls from members and non-members from all over the UK.