Professor Duncan Eaton – Chairperson
Duncan opened the conference. He has been chair of Bladder Health UK’s Board of Trustees for seven years now. Prior to retirement, Duncan had been Chief Executive of NHS procurement.


Dr Serene Foster DPhil (Oxon) BSc (Hons) MBSI MNIMH MCPP
Serene Foster is Bladder Health UK’s nutritionist. Getting food diaries right and feeling comfortable food will not trigger bladder problems helps patients to live positively with bladder illness.


Professor Chris Harding MA MB BChir MD FRCSUrol
Chris Harding of Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust speaking on the ALTAR study, a Phase 4 multicentre, patient-randomised non-inferiority trial  comparing two drugs in the prevention of recurrent UTI in women.


Professor Gail Hayward MBBC D.Phil MRCP DRCOG MRCGP
Gail Hayward, Associate Professor of Primary Care in Oxford addresses Developments in Urinary Tract Infection – steps being taken by the NHS to tackle the issue of poor testing of urine samples.


Professor Ian Pearce BMedSci, BMBS, FRCS (Urol)
Ian Pearce, Consultant Urological Surgeon and Andrologist at Manchester Royal Infirmary is advising on new developments in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia


Ms Emma Foster MBChB FRCS
Emma Foster, lead for the North West Urology Sacroneuromodulation service, speaking on sacral nerve stimulation for overactive bladder.


Professor Jalesh Panicker & Miss Aoife Madden
Hearing from the consultant and the sufferer in this presentation on Fowler’s Syndrome by Dr Jalesh Panicker, Consultant Neurologist at UCLH and expert patient Aoife Madden of ‘B is for Bladder’


Summary and closing statements
End of conference 2023, we look forward ot seeing you at our 2024 event.

