Bacterial Cystitis (BC) or UTI's
Bacterial Cystitis (BC) is also known as Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). There are treatments that can cure bacterial cystitis (UTI), including preventative measures, self help and medication. Diet and Nutrition also plays an important role for sufferers and will help to keep your immune system up to strength. For more information see our FAQs.
Infections of the urinary tract (bladder or kidney) are common. They are diagnosed by tests which use a urine sample collected by the woman. The first part of a stream of urine can be contaminated by bacteria from the skin so women need to take a midstream sample. However, this can be challenging for doctors to explain and for women to perform. Many women are unsure how to take a urine sample when they have a suspected urinary tract infection, research has found. Better information could improve the diagnosis and treatment of the condition
Click here to download our Fact-sheet on how to take a MSU (Mid-Stream Urine Sample)
Helpful links
NICE Guidelines
Waiting for guidelines to be approved.
NICE Quality Standard - UTI's in Adults updated 2023
Radiation Cystitis (Hemorrhagic Cystitis)
Radiation therapy is an important management tool for the treatment of cancer of the pelvic organs. However, it can result in radiation injury to the bladder (radiation cystitis). Symptoms can include hematuria (blood in the urine) and pain. Treatments include Hyaluronic Acid, Chondroitin Sulphate and Elmiron.
Chemotherapy Induced Cystitis
Cystitis may be caused by immunotherapy given directly in to the bladder. The most common form of immunotherapy given in this way is BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin).
Bacillus Calmette-Guerin has been in use since the 1980s and is the most proven and effective form of immunotherapy at this point in time. Immunotherapy has a mechanism of action different from that of chemotherapy. It uses materials made by your own body or made in a laboratory to boost, direct or restore your body's natural defences against disease.
The drug "Mesna" is given with infosfamide and with higher doses of cyclophonsphamide to protect the baldder from becoming irritated. Treatments can include Hyaluronic Acid and Elmiron.
Bladder Health UK are very helpful and always available to give reassurance and advice!
Cystitis Glandularis/Cystitis Cystica
Cystitis Glandularis is the term given to describe the appearance of the bladder lining, in a certain frorm of bladder inflammation which is usually due to chronic urinary infection. A milder form of inflammation is termed cysitis cystica because the bladder lining breaks out in multiple tiny blisters. In cystitis glandularis the blisters have a slightly thicker lining and the bladder itself acquires a cobblestoned appearance. There is no direct relationship between these forms of inflammation and (BPS) Bladder Pain Syndrome/(IC) Interstitial Cystitis but they may co-exist. Treatment centres around long-term antibiotic therapy to eradicate urinary tract infections.
Without the support of Bladder Health UK, I might easily have slipped into depression.
Follicular Cystitis
Follicular Cystitis is a chronic form of cystitis characterised by small mucosal nodules and the formation of lymphoid follicles in the bladder. Treatment centres around antibiotics to control infection and a corticosteriod to reduce inflammation, such as Prednisone.
Eosinophilic Cystitis
Eosinophilic Cystitis is a rare inflammatory bladder condition caused by a build up of eosinophils in the bladder. The cause of the condition is unknown but it is though to occur more commonly in those with allergies. Symptoms are similar to those of (BPS) Bladder Pain Syndrome/(IC) Interstitial Cystitis and treatments, which are directed mainly at control of symptoms, can include antimuscarinics, amitriptyline, antibiotics and on occasion steriod medication.

Trigonitis refers to changes seen under cystoscopy to the tissue of the trigon (the neck of the bladder). The condition occurs when the normal bladder lining cells (urothelium) are replaced with squamous (skin derived) cells and is typically found in postmenopausal women or younger women with fluctuating levels of oestrogen. The cause of trigonitis is not yet known but on occasion electrocautery is used as a treatment. Antibiotics and anticholinergics may also be recommended.
How can BHUK help you, if you join us?
Members Magazine "Your Bladder Health", published 3 times per year.
An excellent booklet written to provide practical help and advice.
Telephone Advice Line – 0121 702 0820
Telephone contact - with a BHUK Phone-Pal and fellow sufferer.
Comprehensive Resources - fact sheets, DVDs, lending library, Can't Wait Cards and much more.
Message Forums- exchange personal experiences of bladder illness with others.
Social Media sites including Facebook @BladderHealthUK and Twitter #bladdersupport
Area Co-ordinator - providing an opportunity to have personal contact with other sufferers.